記 :森村圭一朗氏
英訳サポート:Cat Nakamichi氏
タスマン海に別れを告げ珊瑚海に入る。珊瑚海に入ったとたん再びRace Directorより入電あり。今日の晩から35-45Ktの風、あと波高は6m超える様子、注意してくださいなと。その情報どおり夜中過ぎより風が徐々に上がり始め翌朝には43ktにまで上昇する。
南緯17度を超え、Race Directorに17度を超えたというpassing reportを送る。珊瑚海を抜けソロモン海へと侵入するが東風が北風に変わり気持ちのよいセーリングは終了。ここからソロモン海を抜けるまで約10日間ひたすらクローズホールドを走ることになる。
Race Directorより再び入電。温帯低気圧に変わったIrisちゃんが再びハリケーンとして復活。後続スタートしたほぼ全艇に近くの港に避難するように避難勧告が出された。続々と後続艇は近くの港に避難して3日ほど過ごした後再びレース再開となった。はるか前方を行くMorning Star、ちょっと前を行くEdege、後ろから迫り来るAllegroとChinese Whisperの両艇はこれに巻き込まれずにレースをそのまま続行することに。
南緯9度を超え再びPassing reportをRace Directorに送る。ソロモン海に入りずっと北風の中を北東方向に走りブーゲンビル島近くにまで来たときに微風につかまる。そのうち完全な凪となる。ここで2日間ほど足止めを食らうが夜は毎夜暴風に見舞われた。微風と暴風雨の繰り返し。日中にぐんぐん育った積乱雲が夜の気温低下により一気にダウンバーストしてくる。2Kt程度の風がいきなり25Ktにまで上昇し上空からの冷たい風が激しい雨とともに吹き降ろしてくる。リーフ、リーフ解除、コード0の上げ下げの繰り返し。なんだかリーフ作業の練習のように数知れずこの作業を繰り返した。
[English version]
March 27
We were only eating the hand-made Apple Pie that Jennifer from SYC had made for us prior to departing, for a couple days because of the fridge must now be temporarily suspended. Jennifer is not only a very kind cheerful lady but also a sailor. She gave us each pack which was separated a piece of whole cake. It was so useful that we could grab and had easily. But the avocado that she gave us the same time were grown a different creature in the fridge so I threw them into the Tasman Sea as the dedication.
March 28
We said good-bye to the Tasman Sea and entered the Coral Sea. As soon as we entered the Coral Sea, we received a call from the race director again. He called our attention to the imminent wind conditions of 35-45Kts, and waves of 6 m or more. According to the forecast, the wind would gradually rise from midnight to 43Kts the next morning.
What an incredible scene!
You have to see it to experience it.
The surface of the sea really looks like a living creature.
It seems like you can go anywhere but there is the terrible fact that there is no where to go. It’s a mesmerising sight.
We dropped the main and half furled the jib. Surfing waves of 3m Bartolome is thankfully stable. Out in the open ocean a sturdy hull is greatly appreciated. Now we understand why the inspectors were so particular about the angle of vanishing stability.
Fortunately, the 40 Kt winds only lasted three hours. Then it shifted to the East at about 20 Kts. We caught up some distance on The Edge on a beautiful reach into the Solomon Sea.
April 1
As we passed the South latitude 17, we sent the Race Director a passing report. Leaving the Coral Sea we entered the Solomon Sea where the wind changed to the North ending our easy sailing. From now until leaving Solomon Sea, it will be 10 days of close hauling.
April 4
Another call from the Race Director. Cyclone Iris which had downgraded to a low pressure system was again gaining cyclone strength. An evacuation order had been issued to the boats in the main start. The main start boats retreated to nearby ports to hold out for 3 days before the race was restarted. Continuing were Morning Star-miles ahead, The Edge-a little ahead and chasing us, Allegro and Chinese Whisper and us. We have had no chance to use the light sails since the start.
April 6
As we passed the South latitude 9, we sent the Race Director a passing report. Since entering Solomon Sea, the wind has been from the North, and sailing in a North East direction close to Bougainville Island we finally caught a light breeze, which eventually died. For 2 days we were stuck with a gale blowing up at night. We flipped between light breezes and stormy weather. Storm clouds that built during the day became downbursts with the evening change in temperature. 2 Kts of wind suddenly grew to 25 Kts, bringing cold winds and heavy rain. Put in a reef, take out a reef. Put the code 0 up, take it down. Repeat. Constant repetitons feel like a never-ending reefing drill.
April 8
Just as we finally caught a stable wind to leave the Solomon Sea, Allegro’s sails became visible behind us.
Huge! and Fast!
As you can see on the Allegro’s Facebook, she is a luxurious yacht. Fully air-conditioned, a huge fridge and bar counter.
Sailing in the sama wind condition, but their speed and line are very different.
In no time at all, they disappeared ahead of us. No time for sulking, this is a serious race! We inched our way out of the Solomon Sea and into the South Pacific, So happy to be out of the Solomons!
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